
Only 29% of businesses in Scotland recruit young people directly from education, 27% offer work experience placements, just 30% have any meaningful contact with schools and only 13% of businesses take on Modern Apprentices. Let us help you to grow and develop our local young people into your future workforce. A few examples of how you can become involved are listed, if you would like to discuss in more detail please contact the team.

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Work Placement

Work Placement

A work placement helps a young person to make informed career choices, it is a rich learning experience used to develop their skills in a work environment.

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Employer Engagement

Employer Engagement

As an employer you can help inspire and develop our future workforce. This can be achieved by schools and businesses working together to expose young people to the opportunities and pathways available across Ayrshire and beyond.

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Developing Young Workforce

Developing Young Workforce

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Ayrshire Apprenticeship Challenge

Ayrshire Apprenticeship Challenge

Companies across Ayrshire are invited to put forward individuals or a team of Modern Apprentices (1 or more) to come up with a project that will benefit the local community.

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