Develop your people

Training: Below is a list of organisations who engage with employers.

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OrganisationServices OfferedWebsiteTelephone No.Email
NHS Ayrshire & ArranFree information, support and advice for employers and employees on all occupational health and safety topics (Tel/web based). Free training for SME owners/managers on safety management, risk assessment, health risks, ‘responsible person’ and attendance management.

Healthy Working Lives - Health Improvement

A range of free health improvement related training and network events for workplaces across Ayrshire with courses including:

- Mentally Healthy Workplaces
- Healthy eating, active living
- Stress and stress risk assessment
http://www.healthyworkinglives.com0800 0192211
Access to EmploymentDeliver a flexible learning resource to augment skills acquisition to include provision of Basic IT Skills and ECDL

Provision of Vocational Training (SVQ’s (Health & Social Care, Bsuiness Admin and Childcare) and ECDL) through Employabilty Fund, Modern Apprenticeships and Individual Learning Accounts provision 283935
Business GatewayTraining Opportunitieshttp://www.bgateway.com0845 609 6611
Skills Development Scotland

The Big Plus Initiative
Boost core skills which can improve literacy and numeracy of the workforce., and helpline, 0800 917 8000, offer advice and put people in touch with tutors. The free tuitiion to help improve literacy and numeracy skills is mainly provided by local authorities.

Flexible Training Opportunities
Gives Scottish businesses with up to 100 employees the opportunity to apply for up to £5,000 towards employee training costs.

Enhancing employees' skills will bring real benefits to employers, including improved productivity and a stronger more confident workforce.

Funding is available for up to 10 employees per business and the money is not a loan so the employer does not have to pay it back. Skills Development Scotland will refund up to 50% of each episode of employee training up to a maximum of £500 for each training episode.

Low Carbon Skills Fund
Gives employers in Scotland with up to 250 employees the opportunity to apply for up to £12,500 towards employee training costs.

By increasing expertise in this growth area we can harness the opportunities offered by our natural resources to make Scotland a world leader in sustainable energy. 527165
WEA ScotlandEmployee training opportunities may be available to up skill local workforce 522551
Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce and IndustryTraining opportunities

Programme of business training sessions. Covering a wide range of topics, our aim is to benefit; you, your staff and your business.

First Aid Training
Training in skills ad knowledge to achieve standards of competence of a fully qualified first aider in the workplace. 3 day, 2 day refresher or 1 day Emergency Courses are available.
http://www.ayrshire-chamber.org01292 678666
Scottish Enterprise

SE support business with significant and long term growth potential, support includes:

- develop existing leadership capabilities of the business
- identify & develop future leaders from within the business
- promote best practice in human resource management and practice; including management development and
- support businesses and priority industries identify and resolve growth constraints (e.g. skills gaps in the existing workforce)

http://www.scottish-enterprise.com0845 607 8787
Ayrshire College

Ayrshire College has devised a range of training courses to help meet the current and future skills needs of you and your business in our evolving economy. Our experienced team is here to help you find a training course and delivery method which suits you and the demands of your industry.

Choose from our extensive range of standard courses and professional qualifications available, or contact us for design and delivery of courses bespoke to your needs.

To find out more about how we can assist your business, please contact our Business Development team

Email: 261469 extension 7001
R T Resources Ltd

R T Resources Ltd is a private training provider based in Ayr.  Since 1998 R T Resources Ltd has been delivering a range of SVQs, Modern Apprenticeships and short courses to a range of industry sectors, all over Scotland.   We primarily work in Health and Social Care, Construction, Glass and Glazing, Food & Drink and Service sectors.  Our experienced staff are occupationally competent in their own subject areas and deliver quality training and assessment services to a wide range of customers.  We are approved by SQA, GQA, Proskills, Construction Skills, and Council for Administration. We are an accredited SAAS Centre and are contracted by Skills Development Scotland to deliver a wide range of Modern Apprenticeships. 290029